On Mon, 2006-Jul-31 22:42:49 +0200, Ivan Voras wrote:
>I agree with this, and while you're in there, can you add -s to copy 
>sparse files (via the usual "if the buffer is all nulls, seek beyond eof 
>instead of writing" trick)?

Note that it isn's possible to accurately distinguish between a block
of NULs and a hole in the file through the filesystem.  The only way
to accurately copy a sparse file is with dump/restore.

On Mon, 2006-Jul-31 22:37:56 +0200, Ivan Voras wrote:
>To badly paraphase [1] a quote: "Here, have a $1, buy yourself a GB of 
>storage..." :)

This is true in the desktop and server market but is not true in the
embedded market and only marginally true for laptops.

Peter Jeremy

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