:I just ran a quick test on my systems here.  It looks like two
:identical systems give results that are approximately:
:                      VSZ  RSS
:root 79054  1.3  2.5  1952 1524  pa  S     2:56AM   0:00.13 tcsh
:root 38788  0.0  0.1  1324  908  pi  S     7:53PM   0:00.03 tcsh
:which actually is a little more than the numbers that you quoted above
:(this is 4.5-release + a couple of tweaks).  These were run 3 minutes
:apart on machines in different timezone and were for just the login
:case.  So it does look like there's more of a penalty for this than I
:would have otherwise expected.  I don't know how much of the VSZ is
:shared with other processes in the dynamic case.
:When I run tcsh, I see a reduction by 592k of memory fre that vmstat
:reports in the dynamic case and a 532k reduction in that same
:parameter in the static case, so maybe someting is exagerating the
:difference between the two in the ps stats.  Or maybe something else
:ran on the static system (since it is used for other things)...

    We could figure it out by looking at the /proc/N/map for the process
    I suppose.  The number I got seemed a little high, even for something
    as big as csh.  50K sounds closer to what I would expect it to be.
    The VSZ and RSS are irrelevant in regards to shareability, but RSZ
    does give us a hint in regards to the run-time impact the program is
    having on the VM system.  The page-table overhead shouldn't be 
    discounted either.

                                        Matthew Dillon 
                                        <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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