You definite need to use a microcontroller.  Something like the 
   68HC11F1 is a good single-chip solution (though the F1 only has
   512 bytes of E^2).  I'm sure Motorola has newer chips with more
   on-board E^2.    Stepper motors can be manipulated from a PC parallel
   port but you will never get smooth output and you can forget about
   momentum accelleration.

   There are also a huge number of Intel-derivative microcontrollers that
   are as self contained and in much smaller packages then typical motorola

   I'm most familiar with the Motorola's... For a stepper or waveform output
   I've always liked the motorola MCUs because they have timer output
   compare registers that will automatically flip a bit for you on an
   output port, giving you timer resolution down to crystal / 4 and 
   accuracy that is at the crystal accuracy.

   But the Intel derivatives are going to be much, much cheaper... $2 or $3
   for an MCU that does what you want and extremely easy to program.  Look
   at the MCS51 and MCS96 series.  Note that there are dozens of manfacturers
   of Intel-style controllers.

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