In message <200109301010.07784@EO> Bart Kus writes: : Right now, I use for() as a timing loop. I calibrate it on program start : and can then get very precise timing. There are, of course, the intermittent : interruptions of the multitasker. So this solution is not ideal by any : means. In fact, the for() loop approach is really meant for the DOS port of : this software. I'm wondering if there is any way I can access a more precise : interrupt-driven (or blocking) timing source. I know I can do a select() : with supposedly microsecond accuracy, but I doubt that it is in fact that : accurate in practice (doesn't the kernel only use a 100Hz clock or : something?). Is there any way to get at the system timers on the : motherboard? Those can provide precise timing, no?
you are likely better off implementing this as a device driver, likely with the parallel port bus stuff. Warner To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe freebsd-hackers" in the body of the message