In message <200109301010.07784@EO>, Bart Kus cleopede: > On a totally unrelated subject to my sio.c message, I have a second problem. > I've built a computer-controlled drill, that is controlled via the parallel >port. This drill uses stepper motors, at 1/2 step. My driver software >implements a maximum-acceleration control algorithm that ensures that at any >point in time, any axis will not experience more than X m/s/s of >acceleration. This keeps the drill from self-destructing. :) Unfortunately, >it means I need access to a very precise timing source to issue the step >instructions to the motor control board. > > Right now, I use for() as a timing loop. I calibrate it on program start >and can then get very precise timing. There are, of course, the intermittent >interruptions of the multitasker. So this solution is not ideal by any >means. In fact, the for() loop approach is really meant for the DOS port of >this software. I'm wondering if there is any way I can access a more precise >interrupt-driven (or blocking) timing source. I know I can do a select() >with supposedly microsecond accuracy, but I doubt that it is in fact that >accurate in practice (doesn't the kernel only use a 100Hz clock or >something?).
Well, setitimer has a maximum rate of 100 Hz, with a slop factor sometimes much greater than 10 ms. This was the result of some recent testing on a lightly-loaded standard 4.3 system. >Is there any way to get at the system timers on the >motherboard? Those can provide precise timing, no? But not necessarily realtime response if you are generating the stepper pulses yourself. How many stepper motors are you driving? If it's only one at a time, then maybe the speaker port on the motherboard (a programmable counter-timer) would be more reliable. Another idea is to use a fifo'ed UART's data out line and fiddle with the baud rate to vary the speed of the pulses. And one final idea is to use a (possibly port-powered) MCU as an independent timer generator. Greg Shenaut To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe freebsd-hackers" in the body of the message