Zhihui Zhang wrote:
> Excellent answer! I looked at the zone allocator code almost two years
> back and I wondered at that time why FreeBSD cannot allocate KVM at
> interrupt time but CAN allocate physical memory at interrupt time. It
> turns out there is a physical memory reserve for interrupt time. By the
> way, for the zone allocator stuff, I tried to use it in a KLD but
> failed. Because if you use zone allocator in a KLD, you can not release
> memory used by it cleanly when you do a kld unload. Thanks!
There was a recent patch to add a "zdestroy" function, so that
there would be no problems using zone from a loadable module.
Note that you will not be able to do a ziniti, onlt a zinit,
if you are loading as a module, unless you are very, very
lucky, and your kernel memory map has not been fragged (this
is unlikely, given FreeBSD's agressive caching policy: this
is also the reason that the zalloci's get called so early).
-- Terry
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