"Jeremiah Gowdy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Uuuuh, I'm gonna have to agree with Murray that there is a complete
> > dearth of free software for Windows.  Go search shareware.com, or
> > Tucows, or any of the other Windows-centric software sites, and just
> > TRY to find most of the same tools or applications you take for
> > granted on your Unix box.  I do all the time, and wished to hell I was
> > managing thousands of BSD boxes instead of Windows.  The free software
> > either doesn't exist, is of very poor quality, or you have to pay for
> > it.  While "free as in beer" software for Windows is fairly prevalent,
> > GOOD free software is quite rare, and open-sourced software for
> > Windows is very rare indeed.
> He said, the "amount of free software".  He didn't say the amount of free
> GOOD software, the amount of useful applications, etc.  He said AMOUNT of
> FREE software.  He didn't say the AMOUNT of OPEN SOURCE software.  Saying
> that there is more _free software_ for FreeBSD than there is for Windows is
> insane.  If you're talking about how useful it is, or whether it's open
> source, you need to specify those things.  But anyone worth their salt would
> choke on the general statement, "there is more free software for FreeBSD
> than there is for Windows".

What's so "free" about software that you don't pay money for?  Pretty much 
nothing compared to software that you are /free/ to modify and /free/ to use 
any way you want is "free".  There is very little of that for Windows 
compared to for Unix in general.

Instead of a lot of free software for Windows, there's quite a lot of 
no-value software.  I don't know why you'd possibly think that software is 
more /useful/ by costing no money -- and in that it means that it is not an 
important distinction.  Software is more useful if it is truly free 
(unencumbered by restrictions), therefore that is the important distinction 
which should define "free" software.

We already have a term for software that just costs no money: "freeware".  
This is _NOT_ free software.  Shareware is not free software.  GPLed, BSDed, 
X11ed, public domain, APSLed (ad infinitum) code is free software, the kind 
that is not often written for Windows.

 Brian Fundakowski Feldman           \  FreeBSD: The Power to Serve!  /
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]                    `------------------------------'

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