On Sat, Dec 23, 2000 at 10:39:40PM -0800, SteveB wrote:
> ...
> New comers to Linux are getting intimidated hearing the constant trash
> talk. It's far more productive to talk about why 'BSD is better.

Better yet, to try and see what good both have to offer, and make one's
choises based on an `objective' basis (if such a thing does exist) about what
to choose in every case.

I mean, I have to agree that now, after a year and more of exposure to the
FreeBSD way of doing things, I find some Linux-specific details annoying.
This has nothing to do with the quality of Linux code, or the way Linux is
supposed to work though.  It's more a matter of personal preference and taste,
having changed a little in me.

When, at times, I find a good thing in Linux though, I try to acknowledge the
fact.  Unfortunately, this is not something that everyone in the BSD or Linux
camps does :-/

- giorgos

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