--On 30 October 2012 19:43 +0700 Erich Dollansky
<erichfreebsdl...@ovitrap.com> wrote:
Depends how you mean 'the same' - on the 6.4 system it shows:
cc (GCC) 3.4.6 [FreeBSD] 20060305
And, on the 9.0-S it shows:
cc (GCC) 4.2.1 20070831 patched [FreeBSD]
So 'same' - but different versions.
did you check the default data sizes?
How do you mean?
Now they've been running for an hour or so - they've gotten a little
larger 552M/154M and 703M/75M.
If it's not harmful I can live with it - it was just a bit of a
And a reason to spend more money on memory. Knowing the real reason
would be better.
I can understand your surprise.
Hehe, more 'concern' than surprise I guess now...
The sendmail milter has grown to a SIZE/RES of 1045M / 454M under 9.0. The
original 6.4 machine under heaver load (more connections) shows a SIZE/RES
of 85M/52M.
The TCP listener code is now showing a SIZE/REZ of 815M/80M under 9.0 with
the original 6.4 box showing 44M/9.5M
The 9.0 box says it has 185M active, 472M inactive, 693M wired, 543M buf,
and 4554M free.
At this stage I'm just a bit concerned that at least the milter code is
going to grow, and grow - and die.
I would think it would last over night so I'll see what the figures are in
the morning.
Thanks for the replies...
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