>> overloaded for this, no?  The driver could fail the request if it  
>> didn't support it; or if it has run out of slots for aliases.  There  
>> should also be (I think) a way to tell the driver to go to  
>> promiscuous mode to emulate this (an "I really want this" request?),  
>> but I'm not sure it should be the default response to the "set  
>> hardware address" request.

>An alias would be nice. A standby system must be reachable before it
>will be active and will need another MAC to be.
>But I don't see any sence in having more than one MAC on one IP-Address.
>So talking on IP it should be an optional argument to the ip-alias.

Remembering that if you add multiple hw addresses to a single card, you then
have to lock down IP addresses to hw addresses or things become very
very very confused.

Can someone with a little more experience in the IP/arp code explain this
one a bit better?


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