On Sat, 15 May 1999, Greg Lehey wrote:
> It seems there's a need, and the possibility.  Would somebody like to
> suggest a syntax?

Keep in mind that a number of cards support multiple MAC addresses.
Simply using GET/SET limits the potential uses.

In general all cards will have a primary MAC address.  Some cards will
have a number of additional 'perfect match' entries (which must be shared
with multicast group addresses etc.)

GET/SET are fine for operations against the primary MAC address.

LIST/ADD/DELETE may be useful for the additional addresses.

All devices can 'mimic' this behavior by running in promiscuous mode and
doing address matching in software.

| Matthew N. Dodd  | 78 280Z | 75 164E | 84 245DL | FreeBSD/NetBSD/Sprite/VMS |
| win...@jurai.net |      This Space For Rent     | ix86,sparc,m68k,pmax,vax  |
| http://www.jurai.net/~winter | Are you k-rad elite enough for my webpage?   |

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