> From: Mike Smith <m...@smith.net.au> > Date: 1999-05-15 09:40:39 -0700 > To: Greg Lehey <g...@lemis.com> > Subject: Re: ifconfig: changing mac address > Cc: "Mark J. Taylor" <mtay...@cybernet.com>,Daniel Eischen > <eisc...@vigrid.com>, freebsd-hackers@FreeBSD.ORG > In-reply-to: "Your message of Sat, 15 May 1999 11:13:49 > +0930."<19990515111348.k89...@freebie.lemis.com> > Delivered-to: freebsd-hackers@freebsd.org > X-Mailer: exmh version 2.0.2 2/24/98 > X-Loop: FreeBSD.ORG > > > It seems there's a need, and the possibility. Would somebody like to > > suggest a syntax? > > The precedent would be the socket ioctls SIOCGIFHWADDR and > SIOCSIFHWADDR. The Linux emulator suppors the get-only version > already. It's already been mentioned that some adapters support multiple unicast media addresses (the DEC parts; the on-board enets for (most) PowerPC Macs; ...). It would be good to support aliases for media addresses as well. The 'alias' keyword for ifconfig could be overloaded for this, no? The driver could fail the request if it didn't support it; or if it has run out of slots for aliases. There should also be (I think) a way to tell the driver to go to promiscuous mode to emulate this (an "I really want this" request?), but I'm not sure it should be the default response to the "set hardware address" request.
Regards, Justin -- Justin C. Walker, Curmudgeon-At-Large * Institute for General Semantics | Manager, CoreOS Networking | Men are from Earth. Apple Computer, Inc. | Women are from Earth. 2 Infinite Loop | Deal with it. Cupertino, CA 95014 | *-------------------------------------*-------------------------------* To Unsubscribe: send mail to majord...@freebsd.org with "unsubscribe freebsd-hackers" in the body of the message