> On Sun 2000-06-04 (23:06), Coleman Kane wrote:
> > Look through /modules...
> I'm still having problems working out what this will do. Can you
> explain the differences between the current way of doing things, and
> what your stuff will conceptually do?
i will try :-) please do not beat me :-)
1) right now we have several places in kernel/user space where we
load KLD. if we need add dynamic module loading in some new
place we will have to duplicate all code
2) kernel/user space does not unload modules, unless you
unload it manually
3) we can not configure which module should be loaded.
it is hardcoded
so, when i started to code ``kerneld'', i was thinking about
1) one simple interface to load all modules from kernel
2) ability to determine which module can be unloaded
and unload it
3) flexible configuration file
and, yes, Linux guys have abandoned ``kerneld'', but ....
they do not need it :-) look for KERND define in new
Linux kernel. the way they load kernel module is
1) create new kernel thread
2) run /sbin/depmod (or something like this) in
the thread
3) wait for thread finished and check for result
it does not look like kernel code, indeed :)
looks like daemon code :)
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