At 07:32 PM 3/12/00 +0100, Jeroen Ruigrok/Asmodai wrote:
>-On [20000312 00:00], Joe Abley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
>>On Sat, Mar 11, 2000 at 01:36:31PM -0500, Dennis wrote:
>>> Another point is that Open Source is virtually synonomous with "Totally
>>> undocumented".
>>This is sillier.
>Exactly, and it also slightly pisses me off...
>Then I guess I wrote all the manpages and documents for nothing.
>elf.5 comes to mind for a very handy resource.
> comes to mind.  And when
>that is finished the manpages will follow.
>That's also why I am wasting my time slowly documenting the FreeBSD
>internals in my spare time.

"slowly" is the key word here. Real products are documented before they are
in commercial use. Plus by the time you're done they will be
outdated...another common problem.

Why are you arguing this point? Is there anyone that believes that Linux
and FreeBSD are well documented? Please. The books are out of date before
they hit the stores.


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