Dennis wrote:
> Open Source is a lot of bunk. People want stuff that works. Linux is
> growing in popularity because since 2.2 came out it actually works well.
> Linux had the marketing in place and they are soaring. We sell 10 to 1
> linux now. I was getting bloodied pushing FreeBSD. Its like selling tax
> custs to poor people. Its bad politics, no matter how right it is.

Linux is growing in popularity because everyone is talking about it.
Most of the people who buy Linux, or any other technology for that 
matter, have NO ability to evaluate functionality and just follow what
they read in their selective set of magazines.  A better advertising
budget will do wonders for FreeBSD; everyone seriously involved with
FreeBSD understands this even if you don't.

> We all have source to the eepro driver but if DG doesnt fix it it doesnt
> get fixed. I'll take a driver that works anyday over the option to fix it
> myself. and so will most commercial entities.

Bzzt!  Dennis, shut up and stop FUDding about.  The eepro driver got
fixed for 3.1 because I fixed it with DG's help.  This is exactly the
same as it has always been in FreeBSD, and in Linux; you can fix it
yourself or you can pay someone else to fix it.  The only thing that
has changed is a more widespread, professional offering of people you
can turn to when you need to get something fixed and have nothing to
offer except money.

            "Where am I, and what am I doing in this handbasket?"

Wes Peters                                                         Softweyr LLC
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                 

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