Well thanks to some examples I seem to have access to the
modem signals. Unfortunately when I drop the DTR nothing
happens. I have played with setting the &Dn and other values
but nothing seems to work. Also it seems that the carrier detect
signal is always high, even after a NO CARRIER. I have also
tried clearing the CLOCAL flag to see if I get a signal (HUP),
but I am not getting one. I have also tried to get the HUP signal
by using the +++<delay>ATH<CR> command with no success.
Currently I have a test program that I will include below, and it
is dialing my other PC (hyperterminal) just to see if I can get the
connection to work.
If I am missing something please let me know. Maybe I just
have a bad modem, I will try to look for a different one (it is
internal, but that shouldn't matter, should it?) ;
- Chris
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <termios.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
int serial_open( char *device, int baudrate, struct termios *old_tty ) ;
int read_modem_resp(int sdev, char *buf, int max_len, int to ) ;
int debug_lvl = 1;
int main()
int dev1 ;
int baudr = 9600 ;
time_t tcur, tstart ;
int iocval, csta, ctmp ;
char out_buf[32] ;
char mdm_str[] = "ATE0V1X4&C1&D0&Q1S0=0S2=43S7=45\r" ;
char in_buf[128] ;
int rlen ;
struct termios oldtty1;
struct termios oldtty2;
/* use the device names for the serial connection, /dev/cuaa0 for serial
port A
* /dev/cuaa1 for serial port B (or whichever you are using)
/* internal modem, port 4 (cuaa3) */
dev1 = serial_open("/dev/cuaa3", baudr, &oldtty1) ;
if( dev1 == -1 )
fprintf(stderr,"Failed to open dev1\n") ;
exit(-1) ;
sprintf(out_buf,"AT\r") ;
write(dev1, "ATZ\r", 4) ;
if((rlen = read_modem_resp(dev1, in_buf, 128, 2 )) >= 0)
in_buf[rlen] = '\0' ;
printf("READ:%s \n", in_buf ) ;
fflush(stdout) ;
write(dev1, "ATE0\r", 5) ;
write(dev1, mdm_str, strlen(mdm_str) ) ;
write(dev1, out_buf, strlen(out_buf) ) ;
if((rlen = read_modem_resp(dev1, in_buf, 128, 2 )) >= 0)
in_buf[rlen] = '\0' ;
printf("READ:%s \n", in_buf ) ;
fflush(stdout) ;
if((iocval=ioctl(dev1, TIOCMGET, &csta)) == -1)
printf("Couldn't read serial port info\n") ;
printf("Modem control lines (Register contents=0x%x)\n", csta) ;
printf(" Carrier %spresent\n", (csta & TIOCM_CAR) ? "" : "not ");
printf(" DTR line is %sactive\n", (csta & TIOCM_DTR) ? "" : "not ");
printf(" DSR line is %sactive\n", (csta & TIOCM_DSR) ? "" : "not ");
printf(" CTS line is %sactive\n", (csta & TIOCM_CTS) ? "" : "not ");
printf(" RTS line is %sactive\n", (csta & TIOCM_RTS) ? "" : "not ");
sleep(2) ;
write(dev1, "ATDT6176828\r", 12) ;
printf("\nReading...\n") ;
/* this is non-blocking so just loop */
tstart = time(NULL) ;
tcur = tstart ;
while( (tcur-tstart) < 80 )
if((iocval=ioctl(dev1, TIOCMGET, &csta)) == -1)
printf("Couldn't read serial port info\n") ;
printf("Modem control lines (Register contents=0x%x)\n", csta) ;
printf(" Carrier %spresent\n", (csta & TIOCM_CAR) ? "" : "not ");
printf(" DTR line is %sactive\n", (csta & TIOCM_DTR) ? "" : "not
printf(" DSR line is %sactive\n", (csta & TIOCM_DSR) ? "" : "not
printf(" CTS line is %sactive\n", (csta & TIOCM_CTS) ? "" : "not
printf(" RTS line is %sactive\n", (csta & TIOCM_RTS) ? "" : "not
tcur = time(NULL) ;
if((rlen = read_modem_resp(dev1, in_buf, 128, 2 )) >= 0)
in_buf[rlen] = '\0' ;
printf("READ:%s \n", in_buf ) ;
fflush(stdout) ;
write(dev1, "+++", 3) ;
sleep(3) ;
write(dev1, "ATH\r", 4) ;
sleep(3) ;
if((iocval=ioctl(dev1, TIOCMGET, &csta)) == -1)
printf("Couldn't read serial port info\n") ;
ctmp = csta ;
ctmp &= ~TIOCM_DTR ;
if((iocval=ioctl(dev1, TIOCMSET, &ctmp)) == -1)
printf("Couldn't set serial port info\n") ;
tstart = time(NULL) ;
tcur = tstart ;
while( (tcur-tstart) < 20 )
if((iocval=ioctl(dev1, TIOCMGET, &csta)) == -1)
printf("Couldn't read serial port info\n") ;
printf("Modem control lines (Register contents=0x%x)\n", csta) ;
printf(" Carrier %spresent\n", (csta & TIOCM_CAR) ? "" : "not ");
printf(" DTR line is %sactive\n", (csta & TIOCM_DTR) ? "" : "not
printf(" DSR line is %sactive\n", (csta & TIOCM_DSR) ? "" : "not
printf(" CTS line is %sactive\n", (csta & TIOCM_CTS) ? "" : "not
printf(" RTS line is %sactive\n", (csta & TIOCM_RTS) ? "" : "not
tcur = time(NULL) ;
if((rlen = read_modem_resp(dev1, in_buf, 128, 2 )) >= 0)
in_buf[rlen] = '\0' ;
printf("READ:%s \n", in_buf ) ;
fflush(stdout) ;
exit(0) ;
/*----------------------- serial_open() ---------------------------
* Def: This function is the function that is used to open the
* serial port used to communicate to the site. The old_tty
* will be used to restore the original port settings when
* the port is closed.
* Ret: handle to the device.
* Rev:
* 1999/09/09 CP
int serial_open( char *device, int baudrate, struct termios *old_tty )
int tfd ;
int flags ;
struct termios tty ;
if(debug_lvl >= 1)
fprintf(stderr,"OPEN: %s at %d\n", device, baudrate) ;
/* Open serial port for input */
/*tfd = open( device, O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY | O_NDELAY ) ;*/
tfd = open( device, O_RDWR | O_NDELAY ) ;
if( tfd == -1 )
perror("open_port") ;
return(-1) ;
/* save old configuration */
if( tcgetattr( tfd, old_tty) < 0 )
perror("tcgetattr") ;
return(-1) ;
/* Configure device */
tty.c_iflag = 0 ;
tty.c_oflag = 0 ;
tty.c_lflag = 0 ;
/*tty.c_cflag = (CS8 | CREAD) ; */
tty.c_cflag = (CS8 | CLOCAL | CREAD) ;
tty.c_cc[VTIME] = 0 ;
tty.c_cc[VMIN] = 0 ;
/* set the speed */
cfsetispeed(&tty, baudrate) ;
cfsetospeed(&tty, baudrate) ;
printf( "in: %d Out: %d \n", tty.c_ispeed, tty.c_ospeed ) ;
/* write out the settings */
if( tcsetattr(tfd, TCSANOW, &tty) < 0 )
perror("tcsetattr") ;
return(-1) ;
flags = fcntl(tfd, F_GETFL, 0) ;
fcntl(tfd, F_SETFL, flags | FNDELAY) ;
return(tfd) ;
int read_modem_resp(int sdev, char *buf, int max_len, int tmout )
int i = 0 ;
int tlen ;
time_t tstart = time(NULL) ;
time_t tcur ;
tlen = read(sdev, &buf[i], 1) ;
if( tlen > 0)
if( buf[i] == '\r' )
return(i) ;
i++ ;
if( i >= max_len )
return(i) ;
tcur = time(NULL) ;
}while( (tcur-tstart) < tmout ) ;
return(i) ;
----- Original Message -----
From: Juergen Lock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, February 25, 2000 12:12 PM
Subject: Re: modem program... Help
> (hmm a crosspost to -hackers and -questions, is that good?)
> In article <015201bf7f4d$ac963e00$0301a8c0@Ptacek> you write:
> >Thanks to all that replied... I have the +++ <2sec. delay>ATH<CR>
> >
> >I guess my only question now is how do I access the DTR, CD, etc signals
> >from my code. Is there an example somewhere? I have looked through the
> >termios man file but couldn't find anything?
> Well the normal `unix' way to watch for CD is to turn off CLOCAL,
> then you'll get a SIGHUP when the modem loses its connection.
> (thats where that signal's name comes from, hangup. people have
> dialed into unix boxes over modems long before the internet got
> popular...) and to drop DTR you just do the equivalent of a `stty 0'.
> simple, eh? :) (once you know it...)
> HTH,
> --
> Juergen Lock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> (remove dot foo from address to reply)
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