Thanks to all that replied... I have the +++ <2sec. delay>ATH<CR> working.

I guess my only question now is how do I access the DTR, CD, etc signals
from my code.  Is there an example somewhere?  I have looked through the
termios man file but couldn't find anything?

  - Chris

----- Original Message -----
From: wellsian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Daniel O'Connor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2000 6:11 PM
Subject: RE: modem program... Help

> You have to control and respond to state changes yourself. There is no
> "backchannel" available to tell you what's going on. More directly, there
> is no way to know if the modem is in command or data mode without keeping
> an eye on the data stream and handshake lines, sometimes injecting your
> own data to test the situation. In the case you brought up, you could only
> reliably know about the disconnect if you watch the CD line. You can
> certainly make your code smart, to look for delicate combinations like "NO
> CARRIER<CR><delay...>" but it gets annoying if you don't have to do it.
> If you have reasonable control over of the installation, the modem, and
> use of the software, say for a limited project, then you can write your
> code to rely on DTR/DSR/CD (and maybe RI) for most needs. This will
> give you the most reliable control, assuming you configure the modems
> properly and that they handle the lines correctly (not all do).
> Most commercial software uses both a configurable set of hardware lines
> and modem definition files describing modems' responses to commands and
> state changes. This is because the author rarely has any control over the
> type of modem. And often, the cable or other elements of the install
> aren't trustworthy. Writing a program for this environment - one that
> works reliably across a wide range of modems - can be quite difficult and
> usually results in "Yet Another Modem Control Language". :)  If you have
> the choice, go for hardware control. It's the closest thing you have to a
> backchannel, and it removes a large portion of the guessing involved in
> automating modem connections. What remains is sending dial commands and
> recognizing a few "OK, BUSY, etc." messages. Much simpler.
> Been there...good luck.
> Dave
> On Fri, 25 Feb 2000, Daniel O'Connor wrote:
> >
> > On 25-Feb-00 Ptacek wrote:
> > >  I just can't seem to get the modem to hangup.  I probably have
> > >  to bring the DTR low (+++ATH<CR> doesn't work).  How
> > >  do I do this?  Also how can I detect if the modem is in
> > >  command mode, for example if the line gets unplugged and I
> > >  get a NO CARRIER back how do I know to read that as a
> > >  command instead of data?
> >
> > Your '+++ATH0' won't work because there is no delay between the +++ and
> > ATH0. ie do '+++' wait 2 seconds then send 'ATH0'
> >
> > Or you could set the modem to go into command mode on DTR drop..
> >
> > ---
> > Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer
> > for Genesis Software -
> > "The nice thing about standards is that there
> > are so many of them to choose from."
> >   -- Andrew Tanenbaum
> >
> >
> >

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