On 25-Feb-00 Ptacek wrote:
>  I just can't seem to get the modem to hangup.  I probably have
>  to bring the DTR low (+++ATH<CR> doesn't work).  How
>  do I do this?  Also how can I detect if the modem is in 
>  command mode, for example if the line gets unplugged and I
>  get a NO CARRIER back how do I know to read that as a
>  command instead of data?  

Your '+++ATH0' won't work because there is no delay between the +++ and the
ATH0. ie do '+++' wait 2 seconds then send 'ATH0'

Or you could set the modem to go into command mode on DTR drop..

Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer
for Genesis Software - http://www.gsoft.com.au
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are so many of them to choose from."
  -- Andrew Tanenbaum

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