> What sort of quality-control measures does Slackware have?  Where
> do I access their cvs tree?  Where do I access their problem reports?
> Where do I subscribe to get every commit message?  How long are
> their code freezes?  How many committers do they have?  What
> mechanism creates their releases?  Where do I get release-candidates?

Hmmm. my face is red.

These aren't quite technical limitations as they are political ones.

FreeBSD will naturally be more organized in this respect since the entire
system is under the survey and control of one organization. This certainly
makes it conveniant because you only have one source of information, and
thusly it will be (or is easily made) uniform.

I can't quite subscribe to a Slackware Linux mailing list and get
information on changes to MySQL as well as Apache, but it's not out of the
question for me to listen in on MySQL, Apache, and Slackware information
channels, although their mechanisms obviously are not uniform.

I suppose our needs just vary. :)

But hey, we love FreeBSD too.


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