In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
David Scheidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>On Sat, 18 Dec 1999, Ronald F. Guilmette wrote:
>> In a nutshell, teergrubing is the name that has been given to a simple
>> technique that exploits a small but significant known weakness of most
>> SMTP client implementations.  This weakness is exploited to either slow
>> down or halt the flow of e-mail from some SMTP client to some SMTP server.
>Think about it before you fire it up.  You are essentially launching a DOS
>attack on somebody's mail server.  In some jurisdictions, that's a felony.  

That is just plain false.  In fact it is more than false.  It is silly.

Why would you want to spread such a ridiculous rumor?  Do you work for
the DMA or something?

The tgd daemon is an entirely defensive weapon... kinda like the old
Regan-era Star Wars idea.  It just sits there and does nothing until
someone else attacks.  If and when you _do_ start spamming my server,
if I happen to be running the thing, all that happens is that you get
stuck like a bug on flypaper.

Next you'll be telling us that flypaper is against the laws that prohibit
cruelty to animals.

Yea.  Right.  In which parallel Universe?

P.S.  What's so silly about this is that you got it entirely bass-ackwards.
If *you* are sending *me* a ton of spam, it is *you* you might be prosecuted
for having launced a Denial-Of-Service attack, not me.

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