I am attempting to start a program on a impromptu cluster, one program
per machine. I am using make, and seq from the cluster-it package in the
ports collection. My problem is that make doesn't start the jobs
parallel, it just goes from one to the other.
In my project root, I have the following makefile:
SUBDIR = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
.include <bsd.subdir.mk>
In my SUBDIRs, I have these makefiles:
PROG = seq ls -la
@for prog in ${OBJ} ; do \
${PROG} ${PAF}/$$prog ; \
OBJ = Track01.wav \
I am thinking that the for loop is not the way to run things parallel,
but I see no other option. This is a batch MP3 encode, not a compling
run, but the concepts are similar (programs and thier arguments).
I appreciate any time taken and hints offered.
[Why -hackers? Well, I don't have a copy of the CVS log, so I can't go
bother whoever built the makefiles in /usr/src ;-)]
Kris Kirby, KE4AHR
TGIFreeBSD... 'Nuff said.
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