Under certain circumstances the VM scan rate can spike into the millions/sec
(as reported by vmstat) followed quickly by a system lockup (an endless
loop in vm_pageout()), suggesting that the page queue has been tied in a
loop.  This effect was observed in a program ported from Solaris that
updated a large file by mmap()'ing small parts of it.  Although using
read()/write() eliminates the problem (and with a sizable increase in
performance as well), there may be other triggers for this bug.

(A side comment: although using mmap() for file updates in FreeBSD
applications seems to perform quite poorly when compared to read()/write(), 
this is not the case on some other systems, such as Solaris.  Also,
there may be cases where the shared memory semantics of mmap() are
important to an application such that conversion to read()/write() is
not possible.)

I've attached a small test program that provokes the same behavior as
my (old) application did.  It accepts two arguments: a file size in MB,
and an update size in KB.  Make the first twice the size of physical
memory and the second a small multiple of the page size (see example
run in second attachment).  In my case there was .5GB of physical
memory on an N440BX (500MHz P-III) server w/IDE disk.

                -Ed Hall  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                Technical Yahoo,
                Yahoo! Inc.
A sample stack trace:

   siointr1(c617e000,e8e33f44,c01c1057,0,80000010) at siointr1+0xb9
   siointr(0) at siointr+0x12
   Xfastintr4(3425000,80000000,c0131c28,8000,c0140f94) at Xfastintr4+0x17
   vm_pageout_scan(80000000,c0208404,e8e33fb0,c0131c5a,e8e2bdff) at 
   vm_pageout(e8e2bdff,c01ecf38,c0208404,c0278ff4,c01c0e2a) at vm_pageout+0x226
   kproc_start(c0208404) at kproc_start+0x32
   fork_trampoline(0,0,c040c000,0,c040c008) at fork_trampoline+0x3a

Here is the standard output leading up to the tragedy; the perfect interleave
of program output with "vmstat 1" output is pure luck:
   % vmstat 1 &
   . . .
   % ./a.out 2048 8
    1 0 0 2100992416600 17886   0   0   0  19   0   4  241 17929  30 47 47  7
    1 0 0 2100992343144 19333   0   0   0   0   0   0  236 19357  24 57 43  0
    1 0 0 2100992272096 19419   0   0   0   0   0   4  242 19443  25 59 41  0
    1 0 0 2100992203096 19661   0   0   0   0   0   0  236 19685  23 55 45  0
    1 0 0 2100992135896 19661   0   0   0   0   0   0  241 19685  25 65 35  0
    1 0 0 2100992 70704 19871   0   0   0   0   0   0  237 19895  24 64 36  0
    1 0 0    3840 18296 18339   0   0   0   0 121030   0  237 18364  25 52 48  0
    1 2 1 2101332  1492 5963   0   3  89  36 1001341  84  341 5987 129 15 75 10

and then dialtone.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <fcntl.h>

main(int argc, char **argv)
    off_t    filesize;
    size_t   maplen;
    off_t    randoffset;
    void    *maploc;
    void    *memorybuf;
    int      fd;
    int      i;
    int      r;

    if (argc != 3)
        fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s filesize-MB mapsize-KB\n", *argv), exit(1);
    filesize = (off_t)1048576 * (off_t)atoi(argv[1]);
    maplen = (size_t)1024 * (size_t)atoi(argv[2]);

    if ((memorybuf = calloc(maplen, 1)) == NULL)
        perror("calloc() failed"), exit(1);
    if ((fd = open("test.gomi", O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0666)) < 0)
        perror("can't create/open test.gomi"), exit(1);
    if (ftruncate(fd, filesize) < 0)
        perror("ftruncate failed"), exit(1);

    for (i = 0;; i++)
        r = random() % (int)((filesize / (off_t)maplen) - 1);
        randoffset = (off_t)(r * maplen);
        if (randoffset + maplen > filesize)
        if ((maploc = mmap(NULL, maplen, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED,
             fd, randoffset)) == MAP_FAILED)
            perror("mmap failed"), exit(1);
        memcpy(memorybuf, maploc, maplen);
        ((int *)memorybuf)[0]++;
        memcpy(maploc, memorybuf, maplen);
        if (munmap(maploc, maplen) < 0)
            perror("munmap failed"), exit(1);
        if (i%10000 == 0)
            fprintf(stderr, "%08d\n", i);

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