Kris Kirby wrote:

> In my project root, I have the following makefile:
> SUBDIR = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
> .include <>

Assuming you have an `encode' target that you want to run in parallel;
you need something like:

.for entry in ${SUBDIR}
${entry}.encode__D: .PHONY
        @if test -d ${.CURDIR}/${entry}.${MACHINE_ARCH}; then \
                ${ECHODIR} "===> ${DIRPRFX}${entry}.${MACHINE_ARCH}"; \
                edir=${entry}.${MACHINE_ARCH}; \
                cd ${.CURDIR}/$${edir}; \
        else \
                ${ECHODIR} "===> ${DIRPRFX}${entry}"; \
                edir=${entry}; \
                cd ${.CURDIR}/$${edir}; \
        fi; \
        ${MAKE} encode DIRPRFX=${DIRPRFX}$${edir}/

par-encode: ${SUBDIR:S/$/.encode__D/}

(Taken from src/Makefile.inc1)

By having all the subdirs as dependencies for the par-encode target,
make will start doing them in parallel.

>         @for prog in ${OBJ} ; do \
>                 ${PROG} ${PAF}/$$prog ; \
>         done
> I am thinking that the for loop is not the way to run things parallel,
> but I see no other option. This is a batch MP3 encode, not a compling
> run, but the concepts are similar (programs and thier arguments).

Correct. The for-loop is expanded before any targets are made. That's
why the normal use of SUBDIR is non-parallel; it's used in a for-loop.

Marcel Moolenaar                        mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
SCC Internetworking & Databases 
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