:Oh hell, how did I manage to fall into alt.philosophy.est? Wait a minute,
:this *is* freebsd-hackers. It's *you* who is off topic, and off base.
:As penance, you get to go read everything ever posted to a freebsd mailing
:list by JMJr.
:People do change, and I continually await improvement from the lot of 'em.
:I'm rarely pleasantly surprised.
: "Where am I, and what am I doing in this handbasket?"
:Wes Peters Softweyr LLC
It's not really philosophy, just common sense. If you want to affect
a change then, believe me, the way you are going about it isn't helping.
If you post responses that only perpetuate the problem, then you are going
to be waiting a *long* time.
Now, this probably seems a bit jaded coming from me since my dealings with
core have spilled over into the lists, but that's a different situation.
Core has been holding an axe over my head for 11 months with arbitrary
commit restrictions and can't come up with a straight answer for why they
are still doing it. Perhaps if they take away the axe or state in a clear
and concise and non-vague manner why the axe is there and what I can do
to have it taken away, they might be pleasantly surprised. Until that
happens though nothing will change. The self perpetuation of the problem
in my case is that axe and since I don't control the axe core has created
a self fullfilling prophesy for as long as they continue to hold it over
In this case there is no axe, so there is no real reason why the problem
should continue to perpetuate, yet it does and you have to consider the
possibility that you are partially to blame and fix that part before
you can expect to see any change realized by the other party.
Matthew Dillon
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