Looks like you got a lot farther than I did with it... Are you
sure you don't have an old aout ld.so on that machine? Here's
what I get:
>dmaddox> SimCity
Starting SimCity ...
SimCity Classic - UNIX / Tcl & Tk Toolkit version 3.6b - Mattes
/usr/libexec/ld.so: Undefined symbol "___error" called from
sim:/usr/X11R6/lib/aout/libX11.so.6.1 at 0x20160644
BTW - That 'commerce' directory has more old aout binaries in
it I bet...
Also, it looks to me like SimCity would probably run just
fine for you if you started X on an 8-bit display...
On Wed, Dec 20, 2000 at 12:51:06AM -0800, David O'Brien wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 18, 2000 at 02:58:16AM +1000, Stephen McKay wrote:
> > >The other day, on a whim, I decided to try running an old binary
> > >of SimCity (the same one found in the 'commerce' directory on
> > >many FBSD cds), and it failed in a odd way...
> Does anyone have any old a.out binaries other than SimCity that they have
> problems with? I've installed the SimCity package, compat20 and compat21
> dists, but cannot get it to run:
> Starting SimCity ...
> SimCity Classic - UNIX / Tcl & Tk Toolkit version 3.6b - Mattes
> Adding a player on dragon:0.0 ...
> Display Visual = truecolor
> Display Depth = 24
> SimCity can't find an 8 bit color or 1 bit monochrome display on
> "dragon:0.0".
> SimCity: error in TCL code: bad window path name ".head0"
> --
> -- David ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> GNU is Not Unix / Linux Is Not UniX
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