* Felix Palmen <zir...@freebsd.org> [20230830 12:01]:
> Unfortunately, install from GNU coreutils is now unable to install
> anything again. I tried both as 'nobody' and as 'root', it doesn't make
> a difference:
> [...]
> I assume the fsetxattr call needs some adjustment of error codes as well
> to make GNU tools play nice.

On a second thought, shouldn't it be two separate patches in the end?

* Some adjustment of the error codes seems to be needed to correctly
  mimick Linux, so GNU tools et al don't misinterpret some error as
  being "fatal"

* Optionally allowing access to the system namespace from within a jail
  is also needed for some use cases (as shown by HBSD having a patch),
  but is in fact unrelated to the issue with Linux *xattr calls

Please correct me if I'm wrong here ;)

Cheers, Felix

 Felix Palmen <zir...@freebsd.org>     {private}   fe...@palmen-it.de
 -- ports committer --                     {web}  http://palmen-it.de
 {pgp public key}  http://palmen-it.de/pub.txt
 {pgp fingerprint} 6936 13D5 5BBF 4837 B212  3ACC 54AD E006 9879 F231

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