* Dmitry Chagin <dcha...@freebsd.org> [20230828 18:57]:
> On Mon, Aug 28, 2023 at 08:03:33AM +0200, Felix Palmen wrote:
> > * Cy Schubert <cy.schub...@cschubert.com> [20230827 16:59]:
> > > 
> > > If we are to break it to fix a problem, maybe a sysctl to enable/disable 
> > > then?
> > 
> > IMHO depends on the exact nature of the problem. If it's confirmed that
> > it (always and only) breaks for jailed processes, just disabling it for
> > them would be the better workaround. "No-op" calls won't break anything.
> > 
> please, try: https://people.freebsd.org/~dchagin/xattrerror.patch

Thanks, I can confirm this avoids the issue in both cases I experienced
(install from GNU coreutils and python).

If I understand this patch correctly, it completely avoids EPERM,
masking it as not supported, so callers should consider it non-fatal,
allowing to silently ignore writing of "system" attributes while still
keeping other functionality?

I wonder whether this could cause trouble in other scenarios (like a
read-only fs or actually missing file permissions)?

Cheers, Felix

 Felix Palmen <zir...@freebsd.org>     {private}   fe...@palmen-it.de
 -- ports committer --                     {web}  http://palmen-it.de
 {pgp public key}  http://palmen-it.de/pub.txt
 {pgp fingerprint} 6936 13D5 5BBF 4837 B212  3ACC 54AD E006 9879 F231

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