* Felix Palmen <zir...@freebsd.org> [20230830 12:58]:
> * Dmitry Chagin <dcha...@freebsd.org> [20230830 13:48]:
> > I don't changed setxattr syscalls due to EPERM is a valid error from it,
> > however here's the essential difference between Linux and FreeBSD.
> > FreeBSD does not permits manipulatingg attributes in the
> > system namespace for unprivileged accounts.
> Interesting! (and, a weird design ...)

I meant the filesystem-specific policies of course. Quoting fail on my

 Felix Palmen <zir...@freebsd.org>     {private}   fe...@palmen-it.de
 -- ports committer --                     {web}  http://palmen-it.de
 {pgp public key}  http://palmen-it.de/pub.txt
 {pgp fingerprint} 6936 13D5 5BBF 4837 B212  3ACC 54AD E006 9879 F231

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