On 2021-09-23 09:40, Rodney W. Grimes wrote:

Quoting Miroslav Lachman <000.f...@quip.cz>:

> On 22/09/2021 22:50, grarpamp wrote:
>>> propose to make it the default shell for root starting FreeBSD 14.0-RELEASE

Whoever wants is free to add other users with root pemissions is free
to do so.

That is a zero sum argument.  Ie, same can be said about those who
wish to have the current default changed.  Changing that default is
actually going to require NEW special casing of any code that expects
the now 30+ year default.  Those who DO like it changed, have already
made changes to have it changed, so changing the default only adds
to work for both parties, to me a net loss.
I'm well inclined to agree here. But my past expressions of such have
been largely been ignored. In *this* case; it's not a big affect for me;
as I roll out all my updates from build farms. So all my users are already
predefined, and their dot files are preserved. But still,
more changes == more work. :-(

Out of curiosity; has anyone actually done a real assessment to determine
the *actual* value of this (proposed) change? I mean in the end, do we
really know the cost to loss ratio?


Leave the defaults alone, provide tools and such to make it easier
for people to tweak those defaults on install.  Stop adding work
to both the people who like how it is now, and people who like
the idea of this change, its not productive for anyone.

Rolf M Dietze

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