On Fri, Apr 30, 1999 at 07:29:14AM -0700, John Polstra wrote:
> It would be pretty hard to create 2^32 routes, given that IPv4 only
> has 32-bit addresses. :-)

And here comes... IPv6 :-)

> Also, if you time it I suspect you'll find
> that it would take a geological lifetime on a fast machine to add that
> many routes.

Some people crack 40-bit DES in no time nowadays, so who knows what
to expect...

> I think it makes more sense to increase the size of the reference
> count as discussed, rather than adding checks that add more complexity
> and overhead.

I agree. Let's count on an "int"  being extended to 64 bits within
the next few decades :-)
Pierre Beyssac          p...@enst.fr

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