In message <> John Polstra writes: : Sheesh. Make it a bloody long then so you'll get 64 bits on the : Alpha. And then go fix all the printf format mismatches. : : Or, pull you head out of that dark fantasyland and realize that (a) a : 32-bit counter is not a problem in any realistic sense, and (b) if it : were, we'd have thousands of other equally serious problems throughout : the system. : : I'm done with this absurd thread.
I can understand that. It has taken more time arguing about it than the s/short/int/ ; make world :-) It is completely impossible to have 2^32 routes in IPv4. Period. Your machine must be on a network, and therefore it must have a broadcast address for that network, and therefore there must be at least 4 addresses that are reachable with one route. Since the domain of IPv4 is 2^32, you can have at most 2^32 - 3 routes. An int is fine, no overflow check needed here. IPv6 may change this, but as John keeps pointing out, that is apples and oranges... Warner To Unsubscribe: send mail to with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message