> On Sun, 7 Mar 1999, Mike Smith wrote:
> # 
> # >From the context I've seen, the 'ufs_dirbad' panic is almost certainly 
> # due to corrupted disk input.
> I definitely can't rule that out as a possibility, but it does make
> it difficult to explain how the old driver works on this machine.

The way I read it, the old driver works fine, but the new driver is 
reading the wrong disk sectors or failing to transfer them correctly.

You might want to try instrumenting the panic and see if you can work 
out what is actually being read.

\\  Sometimes you're ahead,       \\  Mike Smith
\\  sometimes you're behind.      \\  m...@smith.net.au
\\  The race is long, and in the  \\  msm...@freebsd.org
\\  end it's only with yourself.  \\  msm...@cdrom.com

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