On Sun, 7 Mar 1999, Mike Smith wrote: # # >From the context I've seen, the 'ufs_dirbad' panic is almost certainly # due to corrupted disk input.
I definitely can't rule that out as a possibility, but it does make it difficult to explain how the old driver works on this machine. I'm typing this message from the machine in question. Among other things it is building in the neighborhood of twenty ports, recompiling the JDK for the fifteen millionth time :/, CVSup'ing, running a bunch of rxvt's, and generally working its rump off without even the slightest hint of corrupted or flaky disk. All that aside I'm willing to look closer into the possibility of this being the problem. How does one go about obtaining a copy of the raw disklabels? And once I have them how do I verify them for correctness? Thanks. # -- # \\ Sometimes you're ahead, \\ Mike Smith # \\ sometimes you're behind. \\ m...@smith.net.au # \\ The race is long, and in the \\ msm...@freebsd.org # \\ end it's only with yourself. \\ msm...@cdrom.com # # # To Unsubscribe: send mail to majord...@freebsd.org with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message