On Sun, 7 Mar 1999, Doug Rabson wrote:

# > Just for grins I changed the ata_probe to ignore all but the first
# > controller and it is back to the ufs_dirbad panic. :(
# I never had the ufs_dirbad panic.  With the 4 March driver, my system
# works very well and probes all the ATA devices.  Very odd.

Yep, this one has me baffled.  The disklabels are there.  Well at
least 'disklabel <slice_name>' shows something besides gibberish.
This may sound stupid but if they are required and indeed not there
why would the old driver not barf at the same spot?  If I had to
fathom a guess I'd say it had to do with using incorrect drive

Got any ideas on where I might start looking to fix this one?

# --
# Doug Rabson                           Mail:  d...@nlsystems.com
# Nonlinear Systems Ltd.                        Phone: +44 181 442 9037

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