> To put it in a somewhat larger context, none of the things which have
> seen people blow up recently have been all that important, and to get
> people freaking out in my mailbox over the -Wall changes or a change
> to style(9) is pretty damned silly.  This is one aspect to John
> Birrell's accusation that our heads have gotten firmly stuck up a
> certain orifice that I have to agree with.  We should certainly
> continue to be conservative when it comes to making major
> architectural changes, but this constant griping over cosmetic stuff
> isn't serving anyone's purposes at all.

The general impression I get out of what's been happening lately is 
that (overall) people are trying to shout ``don't jump in with both 
feet if you're likely to either stomp all over someone elses stuff or 
to do something that the project as a whole doesn't necessarily agree 

The pre-4.0 clobbering got everyone on edge.

Matts -Wall changes are ultimately good, but should probably have been 
mentioned/discussed first.  This is probably a bit ``cheeky'' for a 
relatively new committer (despite his established reputation).  As soon 
as he made a mistake, that was kind of an excuse for a slap on the wrist.

Julians style(9) suggestion brings up the fact that there are a lot 
of different coding styles running around.  People tend to stay quiet 
about it as they really don't want to change their existing code.  So 
everyone jumps to agree that something should change (Nate wants to 
revise the whole thing, but that's probably a bit radical :).  Bruce 
objects (pretty strongly), but there's too much ``wow, something may 
change'' momentum......

IMHO, this is all mostly the result of having lots of new committers 
and a very small settling down period.  Nobody's got the hang of the 
status quo and lots of the new committers are pretty strong players 
from previous lives.

>From my point of view, leaving the problem alone is the best 
approach.  When Matt wants to -Wmissing-declarations 
-Wmissing-prototypes -Wstrict-prototypes the code, he'll probably 
mention it on -current/-hackers first (and Nate'll probably make 
sure it's reviewed and will help etc).  When Julian wants braces 
on a line of their own (only joking) he'll talk to bde first and the 
end result will be that he's better off making DEVFS the default....

It's probably a good idea to go easy on the new committers for now 

> - Jordan

Brian <br...@awfulhak.org> <br...@freebsd.org> <br...@openbsd.org>
Don't _EVER_ lose your sense of humour !

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