> forum.  If Matt wished to make this point, he should have done so in a
> less inflamitory manner especially in such a public forum.  That's
> been a problem lately in this forum, and I cannot express easily in
> words how strongly I object to it.

Fair enough - maybe everyone involved should just take their chill

To put it in a somewhat larger context, none of the things which have
seen people blow up recently have been all that important, and to get
people freaking out in my mailbox over the -Wall changes or a change
to style(9) is pretty damned silly.  This is one aspect to John
Birrell's accusation that our heads have gotten firmly stuck up a
certain orifice that I have to agree with.  We should certainly
continue to be conservative when it comes to making major
architectural changes, but this constant griping over cosmetic stuff
isn't serving anyone's purposes at all.

- Jordan

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