It's pretty obvious that there are some back-justifications being made for a
blatantly imperfect decision. There are both real strengths and benefits to
the decision (making print copies easily accessible) as well as deep flaws
(promoting an exclusive relationship with a for-profit company).

It would probably be best if the PediaPress relationship were handled like
Wikipedia's other link-to-outside-entities, such as Special:BookSources.

On Sat, Nov 13, 2010 at 5:24 PM, Noein <> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> On 13/11/2010 17:51, SlimVirgin wrote:
> > I understand exactly what you're saying, Ting, and I appreciate your
> > thoughtful response. I suppose my reaction is an emotional one, but
> > I'd argue no less valid for that. It's that much of the content of
> > Wikipedia is written and administered by a surprisingly small number
> > of people. We do it for nothing because we believe in the concept of
> > free (in all senses) information. But now to the left of my vision,
> > with every edit I make, there is a "create book" button, where a
> > private company is quite openly making money from our work. That feels
> > discouraging.
> Indeed.
> There seems to be a significant divergence in the interpretation of the
> Wikipedia mission between the Foundation and the community. Added to
> lots of other hints, it makes me wonder how much the WMF is
> representative of the general community. Is this gap real? Am I badly
> informed?
> In any way, shouldn't the WMF be subordinate to the community's will? I
> have the current understanding that this is not at all the case. Could
> someone take a little of his or her time to explains to me the general
> idea of what the relationship between the WMF and the community should be?
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