Let me ask this question. Suppose the Wikimedia Foundation were to buy 
PediaPress from Brainbot, including whatever intellectual property is 
associated with its service such as the LaTeX export. If Wikimedia did 
this and brought the service in-house, assuming the LaTeX export is 
released as open source, it would probably continue to contract with 
Lightning Source or some other company to do the actual printing (our 
competencies are much more on computer and web technology than print 
publication). Assuming that all of this was possible - and I have no 
idea what would be a reasonable price for PediaPress, whether Brainbot 
would sell, or whether that would be an appropriate use of funds in the 
context of our mission and strategy - would people be okay with the 
current placement of the service, including continuing to charge people 
who order printed books?

--Michael Snow

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