On Tue, Aug 31, 2010 at 5:31 PM, Ryan Kaldari <rkald...@wikimedia.org> wrote:
> A real-time feed of external links is overkill. As mentioned by others,
> the chief problem is linkrot of old links. All we need to do is dump the
> contents of externallinks.el_to from the database once a year or so, run
> a hex to ASCII conversion on it, zip it, and email it to someone at the
> Internet Archive. Anyone with access to the databases should be able to
> do this fairly easily. Rather than trying to engineer a complicated
> system that will take a year to implement, why not take this simple
> approach that will take care of 90+% of the problem?
> Ryan Kaldari

Why once a year? We already get a successful externallinks dump
every dump cycle. Even the enwiki one is only half a month old[0].
If someone wants to work with Internet Archive or anyone else on
this, the data is already there.


[0] http://dumps.wikimedia.org/enwiki/20100817/

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