We need a trusted and reliable archiving project (and perhaps mirrors).
Webcite or Wikiwix can be great projects, but, how long will they be in the
web? Until 2012? 2015? 2020?
The average life of a website is 77 days[1], and we see dead links
everywhere in Wikipedia articles. This is a big problem, and not only for
Wikipedia, Internet builds and destroyes information too fast.

Internet Archive is a nonprofit foundation, and it is running since 1996, so
I think that it is a stable project and they are going to create mirrors in
more countries (now there is a mirror in Alexandria). But, of course,
Webcite or Wikiwix can help storing web copies (3 different archiving
projects are better than only 1).


[1] http://www.archive.org/about/faqs.php

2010/8/24 Bence Damokos <bdamo...@gmail.com>

> Hi,
> On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 4:47 PM, teun spaans <teun.spa...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >
> > I took a look at the example in the french wiki, and didnt spot a date
> > in the archive reference. If the source changes its content, this may
> > pose a problem.
> >
> > If you click on an archive link the top frame will display the exact date
> of the archiving -   I think the reason it is not displayed by default on
> the French Wikipedia is because the archive links are generated by
> JavaScript on the fly. (At least that was the case the last time I looked
> at
> the French Wikipedia.)
> Having the ability to store multiple copies of the same webpage (for
> different dates) was one of the first feature requests we had at the
> Hungarian Wikipedia and it seems they are working on it. Still, Wikiwix's
> service is very convenient and hassle free for all the static websites or
> references.
> Webcitation.org also has a service for on-demand archiving and they do
> store
> multiple versions of the same page. Unfortunately their service is often
> intermittent and their website tends to go dark, but otherwise it is a
> convenient service for manual archiving. (I had a bot once that sent each
> link through its service on the Hungarian Wikipedia, and for a time the
> English Wikipedia had a similar bot.
> Best regards,
> Bence
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