Does anyone know what the status of the Internet Archive is with
respect to being a practical ongoing concern?

In the last couple years IA has added relatively little web-based content.

For example, their Wayback Machine currently offers: 11 pages since 2006 5 pages since 2008 12 pages since 2008 0 pages since 2008

It gives the impression that they are so ineffective at archiving
recent content as to be effectively irrelevant.  They do have a
warning that it can take 6 or more months for newly accessed content
to be incorporated into their database, but at this point the delay
has been significantly more than that.  Even at their peak they rarely
archived more than a few hundred pages per major domain per year,
which still amounts to a tiny fraction of the internet.

The idea of seeking collaborations with people that archive web
content is a good one, but I don't know that IA is really in a
position to be all that useful.

-Robert Rohde

On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 6:57 AM, emijrp <> wrote:
> Hi all;
> I want to make a proposal about external links preservation. Many times,
> when you check an external link or a link reference, the website is dead or
> offline. This websites are important, because they are the sources for the
> facts showed in the articles. Internet Archive searches for interesting
> websites to save in their hard disks, so, we can send them our external
> links sql tables (all projects and languages of course). They improve their
> database and we always have a copy of the sources text to check when needed.
> I think that this can be a cool partnership.
> Regards,
> emijrp
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