
On 2025-02-10T20:59:43+0100, Thomas Koenig <tkoe...@netcologne.de> wrote:
> Am 10.02.25 um 08:43 schrieb Richard Biener:
>> We have need-bisection and other need-, so iff then maybe a need-stdchk for
>> cases compliance is unclear?
> That sounds very good to me; if there are no objections, I will create
> this in a day or so.
>> The fact that a testcase is (non-)compliant is
>> also not telling anything about the bug reported, unlike rejects-valid
>> or ice-on-invalid,
>> so it does not help in bug searches.

Now that you've said it:

> It might attract language lawyers :-)

Indeed 'need-language-lawyering' (or similar) would've been my suggestion
for the new keyword, but I resisted the color-of-bike-shed opportunity.


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