I'm attempting to submit the code below to Bugzilla, but the site
appears to be hanging.  I'll try again later.  Presumably this should
be added to the deferred-length character metabug.  This code executes
without error when compiled with gfortran 14.2.0, but seg faults when
compiled with a recent build of gfortran 15.


% cat all.f90
  implicit none

  type string_t
    character(len=:), allocatable :: string_
  end type

  call check_allocation([foo()])


  type(string_t) function foo()
    foo%string_ = "foo"
  end function

  elemental subroutine check_allocation(string)
    type(string_t), intent(in) ::  string
    if (.not. allocated(string%string_)) error stop "unallocated"
  end subroutine


rouson@rouson-m73 julienne % gfortran all.f90

rouson@rouson-m73 julienne % ./a.out
a.out(64876,0x1eeb90f40) malloc: *** error for object 0x600000bd8030:
pointer being freed was not allocated
a.out(64876,0x1eeb90f40) malloc: *** set a breakpoint in
malloc_error_break to debug

Program received signal SIGABRT: Process abort signal.

Backtrace for this error:
#0  0x1031a2b63
#1  0x1031a1ae3
#2  0x186d72583
#3  0x186d41c1f
#4  0x186c4ea2f
#5  0x186b5edc3
#6  0x186b6242f
#7  0x186b7c493
#8  0x102b33d57
#9  0x102b33e5b
zsh: abort      ./a.out

rouson@rouson-m73 julienne % gfortran --version
GNU Fortran (GCC) 15.0.1 20250119 (experimental)

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