On 12/8/22 11:14 AM, Holcomb, Katherine A (kah3f) via Fortran wrote:
I was thinking I might try to contribute when I retire, though that may be in a year or
two. But it's been a very long time since I dove into a large software project and it's
intimidating. I do know C (really C++, I haven't used plain C for a long time). I am
one of those "aging" types but I am familiar at least superficially with newer
tools because I must use them for work, specifically git and Slack (Mattermost seems to
be an open-source Slack alternative) -- we make heavy use of Slack in particular.
Is there some kind of "getting started" guide?
Katherine Holcomb
UVA Research Computing https://www.rc.virginia.edu
ka...@virginia.edu 434-982-5948
In your case I would recommend just pick a bug and start exploring it
with gdb and valgrind. There is no need to learn the whole project. If
you want, we could pick one for you as a starter. I will send you an
invite to the Mattermost so you can watch as we organize it. One
thought we had is to use "boards" for categories of bugs and use it as a
way to triage the list of bugs (ideas evolving)
I dont think you need to wait for retirement. Nothing wrong with
dabbling hear and there as time permits.