I was thinking I might try to contribute when I retire, though that may be in a 
year or two.  But it's been a very long time since I dove into a large software 
project and it's intimidating.  I do know C (really C++, I haven't used plain C 
for a long time).   I am one of those "aging" types but I am familiar at least 
superficially with newer tools because I must use them for work, specifically 
git and Slack (Mattermost seems to be an open-source Slack alternative) -- we 
make heavy use of Slack in particular. 

Is there some kind of "getting started" guide?

Katherine Holcomb 
UVA Research Computing  https://www.rc.virginia.edu 
ka...@virginia.edu    434-982-5948 

-----Original Message-----
From: Fortran <fortran-bounces+kholcomb=virginia....@gcc.gnu.org> On Behalf Of 
Steve Kargl via Fortran
Sent: Thursday, December 8, 2022 11:27 AM
To: Jerry D via Fortran <fortran@gcc.gnu.org>
Cc: Benson Muite <benson_mu...@emailplus.org>
Subject: Re: Team Collaboration Considerations

On Wed, Dec 07, 2022 at 05:54:40PM -0800, Jerry D via Fortran wrote:
> Other than Benson, I have received no sign of any interest from 
> gfortran developers to adopt a teaming/collaboration platform.  I am a 
> bit disappointed. Maybe my intent was misunderstood.  I am not 
> suggesting replacing the email approval process but there are many 
> other features of these platforms, in particular, communication 
> efficiency that would be very helpful.
> I know many software developers who use these tools regularly. 
> Honestly I do not know why gcc.gnu.org does not adopt one of these as 
> a whole. Perhaps it is simply resistance to change.
> I will keep the Mattermost workspace.  If anyone want to join send me 
> your email and I will send you an invite.
> Well, as always, best regards,

I think you're seeing the effects of the move to git and an aging base of 
contributors.  Harald is almost single-handily dealing with bug reports.  
Mikeal has recently been reviewing Harald's patches, and offers some good 
advice on improvements.  Occasionally, Thomas and I offer up patches, but this 
occurs in a rather sparse manner.
In fact, if I fix a bug, the patch is attached to the bugzilla report where it 
sits until Harald stumbles across it or it bit rots.
I don't know how to attract new contributors.  I've invited more than one 
person who's pointed out a issue with gfortran to join the developers.  This is 
typically met with "I don't know C", "I don't know compiler design", "I don't 
have time"r, ...


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