> Am 07.11.2017 um 16:17 schrieb Daniel Kučera <daniel.kuc...@gmail.com>:
> It's used like here:
> https://github.com/danielkucera/ZidoStreamer/blob/master/app/src/main/java/eu/danman/zidostreamer/zidostreamer/StreamService.java#L62
> If I open standard streaming or camera app, no camera is listed.

Note that your application uses the Camera Java API, this indev uses the 
Camera2 NDK API.

I think this cannot be compared directly. Could you test it in your specific 
case, whether the camera is somehow available through the NDK? Please note that 
the Camera2 NDK API only works on devices with API Level 24+ (Android 7.0).

As far as I have seen the camera in your device must also specifically support 
the Camera2 API. Cameras that are designed for the old API are only available 
in the Java version of the Camera2 API. 

You can check this in Java with: 

The NDK version only supports cameras that are on the hardware level LIMITED or 


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