On Thu, Nov 30, 2017 at 05:29:45PM +0100, Felix Matouschek wrote:
> Am 30.11.2017 14:48, schrieb Michael Niedermayer:
> >>You mean avg_frame_rate and r_frame_rate?
> >>The framerate can vary between the values in framerate_range[0]
> >>(min) and framerate_range[1] (max).
> >>Ideally both values are the same, sometimes min can be lower but for
> >>the average the framerate should be what is in max.
> >>Should I set r_frame_rate to min?
> >
> >I think if you do not know the base or average frame rate you
> >should not set it.
> >Or does this lead to some unreasonable latency ?
> >or are the computed values worse ?
> On some devices min and max are the same so the framerate is fixed
> and I know it.
> On other devices the min framerate can be lower and so the actual
> framerate can vary between both values.
> On average the framerate still should be around the maximum value.

> Do you think I'm better off not setting it at all? Will it then get
> computed automatically?

yes, if you dont set it, it will be computet but it would give some
latency on startup as it needs a few frames first to base the computation
on. This latency may or may not be a bigger problem than slightly
incorrect values. I dont know, its up to you i think what you feel
is more important

Michael     GnuPG fingerprint: 9FF2128B147EF6730BADF133611EC787040B0FAB

It is dangerous to be right in matters on which the established authorities
are wrong. -- Voltaire

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