
Am 02.11.2017 um 14:40 schrieb Nicolas George:
When reading the subject of the mail, I first thought it would be about
screen capture. Furthermore, there is code for audio, but it is not
connected to anything, and it does not seem that the android API
connects audio and video together.

For all these reasons, I suggest you name this device maybe
android_camera, and keep android_mic for audio capture.
Will do so.

You are parsing the "filename" of the device into a key=value syntax.
This is not a good idea, and I really would not like another key=value
parser in the code base.

How do cameraIds look? If the string values are friendly enough, they
can be used as filenames as is.
I removed parsing of the "filename" and replaced it with a "camera_index" parameter.

I do not know how cameraIds are formed on different devices, seems like internal cameras just use numbers but external devices may use a string. I do not have multiple devices to test this. In my opionion an index for the list of all cameras should be sufficient.

Can the error be translated into a human-readable message?
Will try to do that, I need to add the according strings for it somehow.

Is it really the official way of getting the resolution and format of
the video? If so, were the Android people drunk?
Seem like it.

+        if (format == IMAGE_FORMAT_ANDROID) {
It would be better to support as many pixel formats as possible.
For now I settled on YUV420P, as the API doc states all devices must support it. I do not
have the resources to test every format.

+    side_data = av_packet_new_side_data(&pktl_next->pkt,
+            AV_PKT_DATA_DISPLAYMATRIX, sizeof(display_matrix));
It would probably be best to avoid sending the side data repeatedly if
it does not change.
Is it sufficient to append the matrix just once? I thought every AVPacket could have a different matrix.

+    pthread_mutex_unlock(&ctx->mutex);
+    AImage_delete(image);
+    return;
It seems error conditions are not taken into account. Is it on purpose?
You mean for example ENOMEM if allocating fails and aborting the whole "session"? Could do that.


I working on addressing all issues.


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