On Tue, Oct 04, 2016 at 10:13:41PM +0100, Derek Buitenhuis wrote:
> On 10/4/2016 9:58 PM, Michael Niedermayer wrote:
> > breaks fate
> > and the change to fate looks wrong, the last frame is lost
> > make fate-filter-fps
> > TEST    filter-fps
> > --- ./tests/ref/fate/filter-fps 2016-10-04 14:46:19.642736770 +0200
> > +++ tests/data/fate/filter-fps  2016-10-04 22:54:01.859353244 +0200
> > @@ -84,4 +84,3 @@
> >  0,         78,         78,        1,    30576, 0xa2fcd06f
> >  0,         79,         79,        1,    30576, 0xa2fcd06f
> >  0,         80,         80,        1,    30576, 0xa2fcd06f
> > -0,         81,         81,        1,    30576, 0xd4150aad
> > Test filter-fps failed. Look at tests/data/fate/filter-fps.err for details.
> This "break" may actually be more correct output, but I am not familiar enough
> with lavfi or vf_fps to say. Removing the last frame in case where it should 
> have
> been removed was the entire point of this patch.

the change to fate is wrong
the input has a timebase of 1/3000, all timestamps are multiplies of
100 its thus basically 30 fps (with skiped frames) and the used
-vf fps=30 should restore skip frames to make it cfr, loosing the last
frame entirely is wrong in this case

codec copy:
#tb 0: 1/3000
0,          0,          0,      600,     4287, 0xa259fe7b
0,        600,        600,      700,     3951, 0x1bfc9daf, F=0x0
0,       1300,       1300,     6000,     4232, 0x75aeff18, F=0x0
0,       7300,       7300,      800,     4124, 0xc244436a, F=0x0
0,       8100,       8100,      695,     4104, 0x24aa4d34, F=0x0

without fps=30
0,          0,          0,        1,    30576, 0xcdc29b3d
0,          6,          6,        1,    30576, 0x5c83656c
0,         13,         13,        1,    30576, 0x26b67f83
0,         73,         73,        1,    30576, 0xa2fcd06f
0,         81,         81,        1,    30576, 0xd4150aad

Michael     GnuPG fingerprint: 9FF2128B147EF6730BADF133611EC787040B0FAB

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