On Sat, Jun 04, 2016 at 10:30:32AM +0200, Piotr Bandurski wrote:
> Hi,
> The problem with this project is that it has not enough active developers. It 
> looks like most of the devs swiched into "stand-by" mode or something
> and sadly no new people are joining in to push development forward ;)

There where new developers but i have the feeling many of them where
treated rather hostile by the community until they decreased activity
or disappeared examples are lukasz, ganesh and andreas
but maybe iam misinterpreting things, iam much more a technical guy
than a sozial one

but i have the hope that with the higherh awareness about hostilities
we have now and less the CoC (its people not paper that makes a
difference) this could be prevented and maybe undone in the future.

Michael     GnuPG fingerprint: 9FF2128B147EF6730BADF133611EC787040B0FAB

Rewriting code that is poorly written but fully understood is good.
Rewriting code that one doesnt understand is a sign that one is less smart
then the original author, trying to rewrite it will not make it better.

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